Rev. Jacki Belile, CPC


Clear Center Coaching

Energy Leadership Index: Master Practitioner

Clear Center Coaching is about Living Well From The Inside Out!

My clients are building bold lives of blessing. It is a joy to see their lifestyle shifts as they “live well” into new empowered, authentic, and sustainable choices.

Perhaps some of these common desires resonate with you:

By “spiritual life,” I simply mean your energy — that core energy that animates all you think, feel and do. We’ll learn together the ways that energy is working for you or against you. We’ll name and remove the energy blocks – the thoughts you hold that are getting in the way of living well.

That’s what I mean by “living well” — a life of increasing Energy Leadership. No matter what is drawing you to spiritual life coaching right now, we will design a program tailored uniquely to you, your values and your needs.

Why Does Coaching Work?

Coaching is Client-Driven.

I support you as you shift your life toward your vision. Our work will be unique in these ways:

Contact Jacki today at to schedule a complimentary coaching session!

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